ProVetLogic, LLC

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Let us help you design and implement your Hot Zones Facility Program

Table of Contents

Establishing cross-contamination barriers

Establishing cross-contamination barriers is a proactive approach to minimizing the spread of infectious agents from one area of the animal care facility to the next. Blood borne pathogens, viruses and bacteria are found on virtually every surface that we come in contact with on a daily basis.

Although disinfectants and sanitizers do not meet the EPA green solution criteria, products that offer multiple species infectious agent kill claims will help support your facilities green initiative.

To help combat the spread of infectious agents, EPA registered disinfectants and/or sanitizers must be used in environments where surface borne infectious agents are most likely to exist.

Hot Zones Cross Contamination StudyThese Hot Zones should include:
Treatment Rooms

Operating Rooms
Surgery Recovery
Sick Animal Containment
Public Areas
Kennel Areas
Anywhere there is existing and/or potential for the spread of an infectious agent.

Although disinfectants and sanitizers do not meet the EPA green solution criteria, products that offer multiple species infectious agent kill claims will help support your facilities green initiative.
Techniques to avoid Cross contamination also work for food, according to the USDA.

Hot Zones Key Points


Place Hand Sanitizing and Cleaning Stations in areas that are visual to your clients.  It will provide them with a sense of security and confidence that you are providing a safe, clean and disease free environment for their valued pets.

Install wall-mounted cleaning instructions and utilize color-coded cleaning tools, such as mop handles, to assist your employees in implementing a consistent and effective cleaning protocol.


Utilize mechanical dilution control and dispensing systems to help ensure solution efficacy, control use cost, reduce labor costs and create a safer working environment.


Discontinue the use of bleach and other chemicals that are hazardous to both humans and animals.
Utilize wet-floor/caution signs to minimize the chance of slip-and-falls and keep Material Safety Data Information and Emergency Contact numbers readily accessible to all employees.


Use green friendly solutions and procedures wherever and whenever possible to help create a safer environment for your clients, your employees and your community.


PDF iconMycobacteriumavium subspecies paratuberculosis and Crohns disease PDF icon Hot Zone Flyer Lyme Disease and Animals
PDF icon Hot Zone Flyer Bleach PDF iconHot Zone Flyer Cat Scratch Disease
PDF icon Hot Zone Flyer Canine Parvo Virus PDF icon Hot Zone Flyer Canine Influenze
PDF icon Hot Zone Flyer Rabies Infection and Animals PDF icon Hot Zone Flyer Disease from Cats
PDF icon Hot Zone Flyer Feline Calicivirus PDF icon Hot Zone Flyer Disease from Dogs
PDF icon Hot Zone Flyer Ringworm PDF icon Hot Zone Panleukopenia Feline Distemper

Teach your employees about how to work in establishing cross-contamination barriers.  You can get employee training.

Hot Zones Products