ProVetLogic, LLC

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ProGienics Plexiglass, Glass, Face shield & Hard Surface Disinfectant

Cleaning Plexiglass surfaces is an important step in breaking the chain of disease transmission that is possible when people touch commonly used surfaces such as face shields, plexiglass doors or school partitions.  The problem is how to do that in ways that are effective, but don’t harm the plexiglass.

Plexiglass Face ShieldsCleaning plexiglass is different from cleaning a pane of glass.  Certain chemicals can cause micro-fractures that over time will cloud the surface and your ability to see through it.  Therefore, before you clean plexiglass decide the following:

  • Am I just removing dirt?
  • Do I need to disinfect this item?
  • Is this plexiglass easily replaced?

Plexiglass areas that require specialized cleaning include:

  • Partitions
  • Face Shields
  • Interactive Displays
  • Event Displays
  • Glass Doors

ProGienics Plexiglass cleaner is designed with each of these specialized needs in mind.


ProGienics Plexiglass CleanerProGienics Plexiglass is Ready To Use

There are no messy steps of dilution or preparation.
ProGienics Plexiglass, Glass & Hard Surface Disinfectant is a ready-to-use, multi-surface, cleaner and disinfectant tested and approved effective against a wide range of organisms

These include:

  • SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 virus
  • Influenza virus
  • Salmonella

Staphylococcus aureus and more!

ProGienics Plexiglass, Glass & Hard Surface Disinfectant is safe to use on most hard, nonporous surfaces including:

  • Plexiglass partitions (schools, medical offices & businesses)
  • Face shields (healthcare, first responders & personal use)
  • Glass doors (entrance & interior doors)
  • Viewing glass (aquariums, retail stores & restaurants)

MicroFiber Towels

Manufactured with durable Microfiber, the ProGienics Cleaning Cloth, is the perfect companion to our ProGienics Plexiglass, Glass & Hard Surface Disinfectant for cleaning:

  • Plexiglass partitions (schools, medical offices & businesses)
  • Face shields (healthcare, first responders & personal use)
  • Glass doors (entrance & interior doors)
  • Viewing glass (aquariums, retail stores & restaurants)

The ProGienics Microfiber Cleaning Cloth can be washed and reused up to 50 times!

To maintain the life of the Microfiber: Avoid using bleach and softener in the wash cycle.
You can view our Safety Data Sheet here. You will find the Efficacy Data Here.

Plexiglass cleaners are part of our facility cleaning products category

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